Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Moon Candy

I feel silly buying this candy! I was in Hy-Vee looking at their huge selection of Halloween candy and just happened to see at the very bottom shelf a bag of chocolates for Stephanie Meyer's New Moon! So I had to get them! I just hope that I'm not the only adult out there buying this bag of chocolates! :)


Anonymous said...

Weird!!! Ah marketing people can be so crazy. next thing you know there will be vampire toothbrushes.

I'm reading EVERYTHING SUCKS by Hannah friedman, which despite its title has nothing to do with vampires, but it freakin' ROCKS my socks off. I'm loving it, possibly even more than Twilight!! It's so funny and the narrator is so awesome and relatable. Okay, done w./ my rant. Great post!

Laura said...

HAHA! That is so funny! :) Can't wait to tell Peter about this. :)

Michelle said...

Don't worry Roxanne, you are not the only adult to buy tween movie themed bags of candy. You may be then only adult to admit it, but your definitely not the only one to do it!! :)

Laura said...

So... are they good?